Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Coffee Wheeled Long Haul Trucker

I started this one a few months ago.  I had watched a video on Vimeo.com about a cyclist who had ridden from DC to Toronto.  I asked him if I could use his bike as a go by for my next painting and he accepted.  I started but got side tracked with a few commission orders for Christmas.  Finally finished it off the other day.

Painting in motion

I decided to try and capture what goes into one of my paintings.  I used a GoPro to capture a image every 30 seconds.  I wish the lighting was better.  My desk is pretty dark.  I'm planning on trying this again but maybe try to video the whole thing and speed it up.  See what the difference is.  Here it is...enjoy.

From beginning to End from Garrett Olsen on Vimeo.